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The above links provide for getting subscriptions or individual copies of the newsletter. If you have chosen to recieve your copy via the Internet there is a link for that.

In addition, some links provide further information such as regional groups of knitters, how-to tutorials, shared printed items, and links to other individuals or businesses supporting the Circular Knitting Machines.

The Newsletter

The Newsletter is dedicated to the care and use of collectable circular knitting machines known as Circular Sock Machines (CSM). It is published four times a year. There are generally four pages per issue. The newsletter has colored pictures illustrating techniques, etc. There are no ads.

In 1993 Bonnie, the newsletter's publisher, wrote an article for the Spin Off magazine about the circular knitter. The article generated so many inquirys from around the world that Bonnie decided to publish a short newsletter to provide answers. The Newsletter started in March of 1997 and presently is in its 23th year.

What is in the Newsletter?

Regular features include:


Over the years people who use these machines have assembled a plethora of knowledge about the old and the new. Extant records dating back to the machines invention times have provided an abundance of 'how to' techniques. Many innovative people, today, have improved, changed, invented, or tried new and different techniques and equipment. The newsletter tries to keep up with these old/new ideas.